Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do you know where your'e going.......

What a tune. Well where do I see myself in five years? I would like to pursue lighing consulting. Lighting in a space is crucial to the design. Lighitng will affect the overall feel of the space and psycological appeal. Lighting shouldn't be a guessing game. There are certain calculations, kelvin temperatures, lumens, foot candles, type of lighing, sun exposure, time of year etc. that all need to be taken into consideration. Learning how to acuratley use light within the design process will only better my ability to design a successful interior.

 I also enjoy involving myself with hands on projects. Being able to design a desk in furniture construction allowed me to work with tools while also excersing my design knowledge to solve problems that would occur along the way. In addition I have always had a passion for working with materials but I also have become interested in how elements are put together. It wasn't until I worked on a residential kitchen design in person that I was able to experience this. I would like to absorb any information on furniture construction and I wouldn't mind specializing in kitchen design.

While interning at Decker Ross, I was able to assist in a staging project. I got to observe the entire process from start to finish. After the initial visit with the client, the items had to be purchased, staged, and put into inventory. The small details of the process are important for both the client's and the company's liability. I would like to continue staging with hopes that it might satisfy my decorating passion.

I plan on taking the NCIDQ and become a licensed designer.I feel interior design engulfs your brain and makes you want to branch out to as many avenues as you can beacuse it is only going to make you a more educated and better designer


Before I started interior design I was an HGTV addict. That was the only channel I would ever watch. I could sit for hours and watch all of the shows back to back. It only motivated me to work on my house more than I already was. After I started school around my third quarter I stopped watching it because it gave me heartburn thinkin about anything to do with design. I officially had enough of it at school. I know some might say "what design, I don't see any designing goin on on HGTV". Well I have to admit that I stand on both sides. I can't say that I know there line up of shows currently but I think there are some really talented designers featured on this channel and there are also stars that are just given a show. Candace Olsen did get a degree in interior design, worked for some of Canada's top firms, and started her own commercial and residential firm. Genevieve Gorder recieved her BFA in design aswell. There are a few exceptions and these people have talent and the education to back it. I do agree that this channel gives the viewers a misconception of what interior designers are and what there job description is. The decorating aspect has overtaken the actual responsibilites of an interior designer. I'm not saying that the individuals featured on these programs aren't talented in different areas but it shouldn't be catogorized as design if it only encompases decorating. At some point there has to be a division between the two and that is why it is the job of interior designers to continue to educate. The more we can educate, the further we will reach others and help understand our own identity aside from the decorators and even the architects.